Department Electronics & Communication
About the Department
The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering began in 2007. The Department offers B.Tech programs in Electronics and Communication Engineering and as well as a M. Tech degree program in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems.
The Department is well-equipped with laboratories i.e. Digital Design, Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessor, Analog & Digital Communications, Electronic Circuits, Microwave and VLSI Design which cater to program needs. Adequate numbers of computers with required software are available and along the Central Internet Lab, the Department has internet access on a few other computer terminals.
The Department has a highly competent and devoted faculty with vast teaching and industrial experience, qualified from highly reputed institutions of India. One national conference and many guest lecturers were also conducted by the Department. Faculty development programs are conducted on a regular basis.
An excellent academic environment is available for creative and productive work both for faculty as well as students. Future plans include introducing more post graduate programs and research facilities.
- To foster an intellectual and ethical environment in which both skill and spirit will thrive so as to impart high quality education, training and service with an international outlook.
- To create and develop technocrats and business leaders who will strive to improve the quality of life.
To become a world-class centre in providing globally relevant higher education in the field of management, technology and applied sciences embedded with human values.
Salient Features of the Department
- The Electronics and Communication Engineering program is the most sought branch in SKSITS.
- The Department has Undergraduate program with the intake of 60 students every year.
- The Department has an excellent infrastructure that includes spacious and well equipped labs, class rooms, seminar halls and dept library.
- The Department has latest configuration systems, required software's and round the clock internet facility.
- The Department has organized several National/State level Conference and Students Symposium.
The department has large and spacious laboratories with a congenial ratio of student to equipment where they get to work hands-on and get real-time experience under the guidance of the highly accomplished faculty. The Courses have been taught based on the pre-decided Outcome from the Students Benefits.
The laboratories are well equipped with ultra-modern, hi-tech equipment to meet the growing needs of the industry. The Department has procured the latest version of software to enable the students to learn the latest tools used by the industry.
Over the years, the department has built up laboratories in the areas of Electronic devices and circuits, Digital and Logic Design, Microprocessors, Communications including Microwaves and Analog Communications, VHDL, Microcontrollers, and Matlab.