Students'Conduct And Disciplinary Code
Students’ Conduct And Disciplinary Code
It is the responsibility and duty of each and every student of the Institute to become acquainted with “Students conduct and Disciplinary Code”. It is presumed that every student from the date of his/her admission to the Institute has knowledge of this code. All students are required to strictly adhere to this code as a condition of their admission to the Institute and these rules would be binding on and enforceable against them or any one among them.
Responsibilities of the Students
It shall be the responsibility of the students
i) To behave and conduct themselves in the Institute Campus and premises in a dignified and courteous manner and show due respect to the authorities, employees and elders.
ii) To follow decent and formal dressing manners. Students should avoid clothing depicting illegal drugs, alcohol, prophane language, racial, sexual and vulgar captions etc.
iii) To access all educational opportunities and benefits available at the Institute and make good use of them to prosper academically and develop scientific temper.
iv) To respect the laws of the country, human rights and to conduct in a responsible and dignified manner at all times.
v) To report any violation of this Code to the functionaries under this Code.
Behavior of the Students
1. Groupism of any kind that would distort the harmony is not permitted.
2. Students are expected to spend their free time in the Library/Reading Room. They shall not loiter along the verandas or crowd in front of the offices or the institute. Students should refrain from sitting on places such as parapets, stairs, footpaths etc.
3. Possession or consumption of narcotic drugs and other intoxicating substances are strictly prohibited in the campus.
4. Silence shall be maintained in the premises of the Institute.
5. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones in the class room, Library, Computer Centre, Examination Halls, etc.
6. Students shall refrain from all activities considered as ragging which is a criminal offence.
7. Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the Campus and hostels.
8. Politically based students’ and other organizations or outfits are not allowed in the Campus. Students are strictly prohibited from organizing, attending or participating in any activity or agitation sponsored by politically based organizations.
9. Students shall not deface, disfigure, damage or destroy or cause any loss in any manner to all the public, private or Institute properties.
10. Without specific permission of the authorities, students shall not bring outsiders to the Institute.
11. No one shall bring, distribute or circulate unauthorized notices, pamphlets, leaflets etc within the Campus or hostels. The possession, distribution or exhibition of any item by any means which is per se obscene is prohibited within the Campus or on any property owned/ managed by the Institute.
12. No student shall collect money either by r12. No student shall collect money either by request or by coercion from others within the campus.
13. The Institute being a place of learning and an exclusive academic zone, nobody shall respond to any call for any form of strike, procession or agitation including slogan shouting, dharna, gherao, burning of effigy or indulge in anything which may harm the peaceful atmosphere of the Institution and shall eschew from violence in the Campus and hostels and even outside.
14. Possession or usage of weapons, explosives or anything that causes injury/ damage to the life and limb or body of any human being or property is prohibited.
15. Use of motorized vehicles within the Institute premises is strictly prohibited.
16. Students shall only use the waste bins for dispensing waste materials within the Campus including classrooms, offices and canteen.
17. Any conduct which leads to lowering of the esteem of the Institute is prohibited.
Disciplinary Sanctions
Any student exhibiting prohibited behaviour mentioned in this Code shall, depending upon the gravity of the misconduct or depending on its recurrence, be subjected to any of the following disciplinary sanctions.
Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraud, in the opinion of the competent authority, is likely to have an unwholesome influence on his/ her fellow students, will be removed from the rolls.
Ultimate Authority
For all disciplinary matters related to students, the Managing Director shall be the ultimate authority as provided herein.
Amendments to the Code
The management of the Institute shall have the power to amend any of the provisions in this Code. The amendments shall be brought to the notice of the students and faculty of the Institute through notice put on the Institute web site, notice boards of the Institute or through emails.